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Williams, Leininger & Cosby Attorney Chioma Deere Presents Technology and e-Discovery CLE

Submitted by WLC on 26 Feb, 2018

On February 12, 2018, Chioma Deere presented a CLE at the Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee’s annual ADR CLE series entitled “Technology and the Future of ADR.”

Chioma’s section of the day-long CLE focused on the use of technology to facilitate the alternate dispute resolution process. Chioma also explored the Future of Technology and ADR as it continues to intersect with mediation, arbitration, and other collaborative resolution practices.

Chioma has specialized knowledge in assisting with navigating ESI and e-Discovery including in the Alternate Dispute Resolution arena. She works with both lawyers and judges as a special magistrate, consultant, or limited co-counsel. She routinely presents on the ethics and practical methods of conducting eDiscovery in litigation. She is currently listed as an e-Discovery Special Master for the 15th Judicial Circuit, Palm Beach County. Chioma is also Secretary of the Florida Bar Business Law Section Committee for Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence. She is actively co-presents Continuing Judicial Education (CJE) sessions to judges on Judicial Management of Electronic Discovery.

For more news and events, connect with Williams, Leininger & Cosby on LinkedIn.